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[职场篇3互动] 如何让商务人士参与宣教

发表于 2016-11-12 21:08:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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教会植堂团队想建立公司,就会在制定公司计划,开办公司,经营公司方面需要帮助。我在“Access Partners”工作,其宗旨是帮助建立可持续发展的公司,来支持在福音受限的地方植建教会,在那里,我们把建立商务宣教公司的步骤分解为6个独立的部分。

  • 发现:明确潜在的商机
  • 探险: 确定商机的可行性(包括一个初步经营计划)
  • 准备开办: 为开办公司做准备:文书工作,招募资金和人力资源
  • 开办: 开始的操作
  • 成长: 持续的支持
  • 转折: 制定出口战略

每一步都有商务人士参与的方式。 例如,磐石教会的一位成员帮助我们制订了一个培训中心的经营计划。圣约生命教会的另一位成员,为我们所支持的咖啡生意培养销售主管。咨询可以在一个人的老家或一段短期旅行中发生。这两个我们都做过。

教会植建者需要合法的现有企业。在美国 建立一家新的公司不是容易的事情,哪怕美国是世界上最欢迎企业的国家之一。所以在制约福音传播的国家建立公司那几乎不可能,例如巴基斯坦、越南或者也门。 这些国家不仅不发达,基础设施有限,而且存在商业腐败和政府的繁文缛节。

一个解决办法就是和现有公司合作,来支持这些教会植建者。如果您的教会有开公司的,鼓励他们寻找海外建立教会的方法。 目标不是为了使这些新的国外分公司能赚大钱; 然而,他们应该至少是接近收支平衡,以便支撑他们正常的运转。


在Access Partners,我们会雇佣这样的人来企业主管部门工作。我们寻找商务人士来和教会植建团队合作,并管理公司日常运行。从而使其他人腾出手,来专心于他们的教会植建工作。




How to Get Businesspeople into Missions

Missions isn’t just for pastors and missionaries. Missions should be supported by the whole church. God has gifted his church with a variety of gifts for carrying out the Great Commission and glorifying him.

Most churches already understand how they can support missions through prayer and financial support. Yet many churches overlook how members can put their business skills to work for the sake of overseas missions. Not only that, but it’s the members with real business skills who may provide the best access for Christians to obtain access to closed or restricted countries.

Have you heard of something called business as missions?


What is it? Business-as-Missions (BAM) is about creating legitimate businesses that enable church planting in areas that would otherwise be closed to evangelism.

BAM is needed today because it is increasingly difficult for church planters to live and share the gospel in many countries around the world. Think places such as Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and China, where governments continue to crack down on mission work. If we make it our “ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named” (Rom. 15:20), then we need to help church planters find creative means for gaining access into these countries.

Fortunately, governments welcome business. They value the investment and the jobs that businesses bring. Being identified with a business also helps church planters to be more accepted in their community as they operate in cultures whose understanding of “missionaries” dates back to the Crusades.


Even as the task of church planting belongs to the local church, so the task of BAM also is one that is finally rooted in the local church. How can local churches get involved?

Raise up fruitful businesspeople who are passionate for the gospel.

Churches should raise up mature and faithful businesspeople in their congregations, people whose lives are fruitful regardless of where they are in the States or overseas. Businesspeople should be discipled and encouraged to be discipling and sharing the gospel with others.

This doesn’t mean developing a program per se, but rather cultivating a culture that encourages members as a whole in the task of missions. Concern for the spread of the gospel should not be limited to a missions committee or a few members; rather, the whole church should be involved in supporting their church planters.

At the same time, it is all too easy for businesspeople to think they are competent and qualified simply because they are good businesspeople. However, they will find out quickly that their experience, though helpful, is not directly transferable to BAM projects. Given the church planting focus of BAM and the fact that most restricted countries are usually developing countries with unfriendly business climates, businesspeople must be flexible and approach situations with a learner’s attitude. Churches should thus filter their ranks of businesspeople for the right combination of experience and humility.

Involve businesspeople in specific opportunities.

Businesspeople can be involved with BAM several ways. Let me highlight three. The first two can be done at home while the third, which is the most effective, must be done overseas.

1) Businesspeople can be consultants for a business project.

Church planting teams who desire to establish a business need help in developing a business plan, launching the business, and running the business. At Access Partners, a group that I work for which helps to foster sustainable business development for the sake of church planting in restricted areas, we have broken down the business development process for a BAM company into 6 discrete steps:

  • Discovery: defining a potential business opportunity
  • Exploration: determining the viability of such an opportunity (including a preliminary business plan)
  • Pre-Launch: preparing for launch through doing paperwork, raising funds, and recruiting personnel
  • Launch: beginning operations
  • Growth: on-going support
  • Transition: defining an exit strategy

Each step has a way to involve businesspeople. For example, a member of Solid Rock Church helped us develop a business plan for a training center. Another member of Covenant Life Church mentors a sales director for a coffee business that we support.

Consultation can occur from a person’s home city or through a short-term trip. We have done both.

2) Business owners can extend their operations overseas.

Church planters need legitimate pre-existing businesses. It is difficult to start a new company in the U.S., one of the most business friendly countries in the world, it’s nearly impossible in the kinds of countries that restrict the spread of the gospel, such as Pakistan, Vietnam, or Yemen. Such countries not only are developing, with limited infrastructure, but also have corrupt business practices and huge amounts of government red tape.

One solution is to partner with existing businesses to support these church planters. If you have business owners in your church, encourage them to look for ways to use their business in a way that supports church planters overseas. The goal is not for these new overseas branch offices to be wildly profitable; however, they should at least be close to breakeven in order that the business is able to support their on-going operations.

3) Churches can encourage their businesspeople to move overseas and run a BAM company themselves.

The biggest need in BAM is the right people. Too often, businesses are run by church planters who are both unqualified and not uninterested in running a business. We believe the solution is to recruit seasoned and experienced businesspeople who will go overseas.

At Access Partners, we have a Business Directors program in which we recruit such people. We look for businesspeople to partner with a church planting team and manage the team’s business operations, freeing up the rest of the team to pursue their church planting focus.

A note of caution: filter the missions teams that you support so that you are sure they have a church planting strategy that is biblical. Simply because a team is doing business does not mean they should be supported. We recommend establishing long-term relationships where you know the church planters personally. Ideally, you should help members of your church whom you have sent out.


Given government restrictions at the present, BAM presents an opportunity to encourage new partnerships in our churches in an increasingly important and strategic way for the gospel. May God use the whole church to bring the whole gospel to the whole world!

本文作者是Access Partners的执行主管。

来自群组: 金灯台团契分享组


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