此次大会由RREACH(Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health,意为“拉梅什•理查德福传与教会健康”)的创办人拉梅什•理查德博士发起。理查德博士出生于印度南部,自青少年时代就确立了服事的呼召,并在印度南部开始传播福音,后在1989年创立了该机构,旨在服事和装备世界各地的基层牧者,其中尤其对亚非拉地区的牧者有负担。2008年,他曾被邀请在联合国第23届年度国际祷告早餐会上作为讲员。
(英文原文:Since the formal and non-formal sectors of pastors training have knowingly and unkonwingly allowed ourselves to be divided in heart and efforts, we declare together that we shall endeavor to build trust, involve each other, and leverage the strengths of each sector to prepare maturing sheherds for the proclamation of God’s Word and the building up of Christ’s Church in all the nations of the world.)